Cats are special animals that never cease to astound us with their complex personalities and wide range of skills. They still possess traits from their untamed heritage and are frequently mysterious. They have captivated humanity for eons, esteemed by prehistoric societies and cherished by individuals of all faiths in the present day. Because of their love and fascination, they have piqued people’s interest to such an extent that myths and widely held beliefs have arisen, some of which are partially true.
Here at AnimalWised, we’ll examine the less well-known but less legendary facets of cats. Here are 11 cat-related facts you likely didn’t know in order to accomplish this. In this manner, you can learn a little bit more about them and might even find it helpful.
- Lactose intolerance is common in cats
- Sweet flavors are not detected by cats.
- Although cats sing a lot, they primarily use body language to communicate.
- Their bone mass exceeds that of humans.
- There are world records for cats.
- Their fingerprints are on their noses.
- Take you for granted if they are unpleasant to you.
- Because they love you, they rub you.
1.Lactose intolerance is common in cats
Animation and TV shows frequently feature cats sipping milk. Even the well-known English expression “like the cat which got the cream” is used to characterize someone who is confident in themselves. Despite the widespread misconception, most cats aren’t able to break down the enzyme lactose, which is present in milk.
As their mothers feed them to make sure their dietary requirements are satisfied, all kittens are born with the ability to absorb and assimilate breast milk. The lactase enzyme, which breaks down the lactose in milk, is produced in large quantities by newborn cats during this lactation period. On the other hand, this enzyme’s production gradually drops during the weaning phase. This helps the animal’s body get ready to stop eating breast milk.
Most cats stop producing this enzyme as they get older and lose their ability to digest lactose, though some may still produce a small amount of it. As such, the myth that milk suffices as a cat food source is untrue. In actuality, cats’ gastrointestinal problems may arise from consuming milk and related products.
2.Sweet flavors are not detected by cats.
Cats’ sense of taste is not as developed as ours, despite having far better vision and hearing. Cats have fewer than 500 senses on their tongues, compared to over 9000 smell buds on the average human tongue. This translates to a restricted capacity to recognize the variety of flavors present in food. Furthermore, cats only make one of both proteins required for them to absorb the information found in sweet tastes. This explains why cats are unable to detect sweet flavors, despite their ease with salty, acidic, and bitter tastes.
According to a number of experts, cats evolved this crucial self-defense ability early in their evolutionary history. Given that sugary meals are bad for their bodies and frequently cause diarrhea and colic, or flatulence, their taste buds might have developed to avoid this sugary flavor since they don’t require it for good health.
3.Although cats sing a lot, they primarily use body language to communicate.
Anybody who owns a cat has probably heard their pet make a variety of noises. When they are hungry, they may meow pleadingly or purr while your pet them. You might be surprised to learn that cats can make up to 100 unique types of vocalizations. Cats do not always make noises to communicate with humans, but they do occasionally. Kittens will meowing at their moms and vice versa, even though older cats usually not to meowing at each other as much.
4.Their bone mass exceeds that of humans.
Despite their apparent diminutive size, our cats actually have a larger bone structure than humans. About 230 bones make up a healthy adult cat’s skeleton, which is 24 times more than the average human skeleton has. Furthermore, compared to an average human, the discs among their vertebrae are comparatively thicker. Felines have more flexibility because of their well-developed muscles and bone structure. They have the ability to leap extraordinarily high and squeeze themselves into gaps and spaces that appear insurmountable.
5.There are world records for cats.
The world’s largest record list contains more than just human records. Numerous cats have made their way to the text of this well-known book, but it’s unlikely that a record for “the most transportation that a cat is able to jump across in a motorbike” will be broken very soon.
Those who hold cat world records typically go for something akin to Creme Puff, the earliest cat ever recorded. Creme Puff, who was born in Texas, USA, lived an amazing 38 years or 3 days[2]. And then there’s Himmy, the largest pussycat to date, hailing from Queensland, Australia. At more than 21 kg (46 lbs), he is probably going to be the largest cat forever because Guinness no longer maintains this record.
6.Their fingerprints are on their noses.
Everybody has a fingerprint that is specific to them. Just as a snowflake’s pattern is unique to our fingertips, so too is a cat’s nose pattern unrepeatable and unique. It’s also noteworthy that they don’t have distinctive paw pad prints—this may be something you were unaware of previously. If a cat breaks the law, we better hope it was through its nose and not the other way around. If not, we might never catch the offender.
7.Take you for granted if they are unpleasant to you.
Does your feline cuddle up to you? Though we’re not saying it’s not partly, this may appear to be a lovely display of love, but your cat has a hidden agenda. They are identifying you as theirs by leaving your scent behind and alerting other cats to your presence. It’s comparable to the way cats mark its territory—like your couch or bed. Of course, it also indicates that they value what you’re doing for them if they are rubbing against you. In addition, they may rub up against you just to show you how much they care or to attract your attention. Each of these theories makes sense and is backed up by feline scientists studying animals.
8.Because they love you, they rub you.
Kitty kneading is a common question among cat owners. Cats knead their mothers’ nipples as kittens to increase the production of milk so they can eat. It is an instinctive motion that is a part of the special relationship kittens have with their parents. They experience the same happiness and sense of well-being from this contact as they do from their mother.
An adult cat kneading a human shows that it is comfortable in their presence. Consequently, your cat is showing you love if they knead you. They can express their love for you and tell you something you’ve always wanted to know but perhaps didn’t know before through imparting these moments with you.
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